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Snack Attack…Be Prepared Ahead of Time

Published in For the Health of It

Snacks are a great opportunity to add fruit, vegetable and whole grain to your diet, food groups that are typically under represented in most of our diets.

Snack drawer

Prepackage a single portion in a zip lock bag for portion control. Instant oatmeal packet (no sugar added), snack size microwave popcorn (no trans fats), Baked Triscuits, Baked Wheat Thins, Rye Crisp, Kavli, corn chips, Trail mix (nuts and dried fruit), small
boxes of raisins, 1 oz. serving of nuts, natural applesauce cups, natural granola bars (TLC-Kashi), lean beef or turkey sticks and
Fig Newton's.

Table or counter top

Fruit bowl with washed apples, bananas, oranges, pears or other fruit in season. Whole wheat bread, whole wheat mini bagels, whole wheat pita bread, whole wheat tortilla, home made desserts made with whole grains, fruit and vegetables (oatmeal cookie, banana bread, zucchini muffins, carrot cake, rhubarb crisp, etc.).

Refrigerator—snack shelf

  • 1 oz. cheese chunks, string cheese, low fat yogurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter, bean dip, spinach dip, ranch dip, laughing
    cow cheese, salsa, hummus, hard boiled eggs, tuna or chicken salad, lunch meat and yogurt.
  • Individual bags of washed and cut up fruit and vegetables — celery, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, bell
    pepper, cucumber, radishes, green beans, jicama, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, etc.
  • Lemon slices, cold water in an attractive pitcher, low fat milk, low salt V-8 juice and sun tea.


Whole wheat waffles, whole grain pancakes, frozen fruit bars (100% juice), blueberries, edamame and frozen fruit for smoothies (bananas, peaches, strawberries).

What's not on the list (foods that do not meet the criteria of whole grain, fruit or vegetable)

Pop Tarts, white bread, cereal bars, pretzels, graham crackers, Teddy Grahams, Cheetos, Pringles, bagels, dried fruit with sugar, fruit roll ups, candy, pop, Kool-aid, sports drinks, chocolate milk, juice and 100-calorie snack packs.

Snack combinations are endless

Here are a few ideas to get you started. For a snack that is more satisfying combine a carbohydrate (grain or fruit) food with a protein. Veggies can go by themselves or add a protein or dip.

  • Wheat Thins (10 to 15 crackers) — 1 oz cheese
  • Apple — 1 oz. almonds
  • Red bell pepper slices — hummus
  • Fruit smoothie (fruit, yogurt, milk, honey)
  • Banana — peanut butter
  • Baked Triscuits (10 to 15 crackers) — tuna salad
  • Cheese quesadilla
  • Ham and cheese roll up — orange
  • Blueberries (1 oz. cashews)
  • 12 grapes — string cheese
  • Natural corn chips (1 oz.) — bean dip
  • Frozen fruit bar — 1 oz. dry roasted peanuts
  • Pineapple (1/2 cup) — cottage cheese (1/4 to 1/2 cup)
  • Mini bagel — hummus, tomato, cucumber slice
  • Broccoli (1 cup) — spinach dip
  • TLC bar — 8 oz. milk
  • Trail mix (1/4 cup) — water
  • Rye Crisp (2) — peanut butter